Outreach Ministries

“Make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19-20

Local Outreach

We desire to live out the Gospel of Christ to our local community around us. We want to share God’s love and plan through a variety of ways - helping with physical needs in our community while leading people to the source of eternal hope and strength found in a relationship through Jesus Christ.

Below are some of the ways we are engaging and reaching out to our community.

  • Food & clothing distrubution to local schools & families

  • Good News Club for Elementary Kids

  • Sports Ministries

  • Homeless Ministries in Akron - TEAM JESUS.


Global Outreach

God’s desire for redemption spans the entire Bible - From Genesis to Revelation. And Jesus has called those who believe in Him to be his witnesses sharing His Gospel and making disciples of all nations (Acts 1:8 & Matt. 28:19-20). There are still more than 7,000 people groups in the world who have never heard the story of God’s redemptive love.

God has led us as a church to partner with differnt mission organzations that help us bring the hope of Christ to those in different cultures. Also, we support multiple sent out missionaries who serve with the Evangelical Friends Mission - friendsmission.com